Marching bands are fun to shoot!

These guys are fun to photograph! You see them at parades, fiestas, other special occasions and processions-- like during Santa Cruzan and funerals (yikes!).

tres musikeros
You'd be amaze with their endurance and their uniform (or should we say "costumes"?).

During Santa Cruzan, these guys play inside the church.

More photos after the jump

Independence Day-02
Always neat and disciplined. They are ideal portrait subjects.

[blog] Marching bands are fun to shoot
and then there are the ladies... :-)

Phil. Marines Drum and Bugle Corp. (1 of 3)
While these guys from the Philippine Marines Drum and Bugle Corps ooze with talent and showmanship!

Phil. Marines Drum and Bugle Corp. (2 of 3)
This one soldier had his cap blown by the wind.

Phil. Marines Drum and Bugle Corp. (3 of 3)
I ran ahead of the Corps towards their seating area to take this vantage point.

I shoot events! Please do contact me if you're interested with my services: alaricxyz[at]yahoo[dot]com; 0917-568-2416


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